Now 8 weeks into her New You Plan journey, customer Hele-Kai’s weight loss vlog has been a source of inspiration to so many of our customers. Click on the video below to hear how much weight she’s lost this week, as well as her 4 amazing top tips for anyone just starting out.
WOW! We are so in awe of Hele-Kai. After just 8 weeks on plan, she has lost a total of 38lbs, and is super close to crossing that 3 stone barrier!
This week, we are LOVING Hele-Kai’s amazing tips for anyone starting out on their New You Plan journey! To recap, here’s what are her top tips:
1) Don’t wait for the ‘right time’ to start. It will NEVER come! You’ll always find an excuse so make the decision to start there and then and do it!
2) Start as soon as your order arrives. Again, don’t allow yourself the chance to procrastinate about when the ‘best time’ to start will be.
3) Take it day by day. Set yourself mini goals rather than focusing on that end result, which can seem so far away.
4) Don’t quit. Yes, you’ll have negative days but try to stay positive. When you’re feeling down, use something as a distraction so you aren’t focusing on it.
Great tips Hele-Kai! We can’t wait to hear about your week 9 results!
Check back next week for another weigh-in, plus those inch loss results.
Start your New You Plan journey today for less!
Let’s face it… dieting in winter sucks! The weather is cold and grim, the days are dark and short and all we want to do is curl up inside and eat comfort food.
But then comes spring. The days are brighter, warmer and longer, which serves to remind us that NOW is actually the best time to kick start your weight loss.
The season of spring is all about rejuvenation. The trees turn from brown to a glorious shade of green, animals come out of hibernation, flowers are in bloom and the birds are singing.
It’s a phenomenal time of the year and just as the new season brings with it a newfound lease of life, we’re reminded that change is possible.
With summer just around the corner, it’s time to shake off that stodgy feeling that comes with winter, put a spring back in your step and embrace the new season with open arms.
This spring we want to help YOU! We want to show you just how easy it is to not only lose weight with The New You Plan, but to keep it off, thanks to the change in mindset that only comes with this plan.
So if you’re totally committed to your weight loss transformation, you could drop 2-3 dress sizes* with our NEW 7 Week Spring Transformation Bundle!
Here are the details…
With our 7 Week Spring Transformation Meal Plan, you can drop up to 3 dress sizes* this spring!
As well as your choice of 7 weeks of TFR Meals, we’ve added in FREE goodies, worth £51.97 / €67.04 to really enhance your New You Plan journey.
With your order, you’ll receive the following absolutely FREE:
- Drop a Jean Size Journal, worth £14.99
- 1 box of 10 Pineapple Fat Burners, worth £9.99
- £25 off voucher to spend on your next order
- x1 Cheddar Cheese Tortilla Chips, worth £1.99
All of this is yours for only £199.97 / €257.96, which is just £4.08 per day, saving you a pretty impressive 48%.
So what are you waiting for!? Start your weight loss journey and change your life today!
*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee.
The post Hele-Kai’s week 8 weight loss vlog appeared first on The New You Plan.